
Slide Apply online Or Scan the QRcode below Follow this link to apply Or Scan the QRcode Slide Download and read the details Click Here Slide Download Slide Strengthening Safe Trade of Plants and Plant Products for Markets
Enhancing capacity for plant health directorate services in Zambia - Training at Fringilla - Chisamba
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Agribusiness. We understand there farmers who export plants, therefore you can check
our PQPS Department for further guidelines. Also under projects, we have a lot of
projects that are interfacing with the farming community such
Agriculture Productivity and Market Enhancement Project (APMEP) who publish
proposals that call upon members of the public to participate in project implementation
via tenders. You can as well stay up to date with latest agricultural news and success
stories from NAIS on what is happening in the agricultural sector.
Irrigation Scheme being implemented by Agriculture Productivity and Market
Enhancement Project (APMEP)
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Service Charter

Agribusiness & Marketing

Supports agricultural trade and marketing


The Plant Quarantine and Phytosanitary Service (PQPS)


Zambia Agriculture Research Institute (ZARI)


Participatory Integrated Climate Services for Agriculture (PICSA)

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Monthly Market Information Bullet

The Ministry provides the marketing information through the production of the weekly, monthly and quarterly market information bulletins under the Department of Agribusiness and Marketing.

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Zambia Growth Opportunities Program

This Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) has been prepared by the Government of Zambia for the Investment Project Financing (IPF) Component of the Zambia Growth Opportunities (ZAMGRO) Program for Results (PforR; the Program), to meet the requirements of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), including the Environmental and Social Standard for Stakeholder Engagement and Information. Read More…

The Government of the Republic of Zambia (the Recipient) through Ministry of Agriculture will implement the Zambia Growth Opportunities (the Project), as set out in the Financing Agreement. The International Development Association (the Association), has agreed to provide financing for the Project, as set out in the referred agreement. Read More…

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1. The Comprehensive Agriculture Transformation Program (CATSP) is designed to translate into action the will and commitment of the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) to implement an agriculture transformation policy. The implementation of this agriculture transformation policy is based on the deployment of a compendium of policy instruments inspired by the lessons learned from experiences on a global scale, but also in Africa and Zambia. Download for details

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The Zambia Emergency Food Production Facility (ZEFPF) is anchored on the Bank’s AFCREF framework document and has four objectives:
  • (i) To improve availability of certified seeds and fertilizer for a one-hectare plot to 45,000 emergent farmer beneficiaries (50% female) using Innovation and ICT platforms and based on the existing private sector-based distribution channels.
  •  (ii) To improve affordability of certified seeds and fertilizer to beneficiary farmers (women and youths) through smart subsidies (50%) delivered through an electronic platform that enhances transparency, accountability and sustainability.
  •  (iii) To improve efficiency and productivity through strengthening of extension systems for promoting TAAT based good agricultural practices and climate smart agriculture. 
  • (iv) To support Government’s commitment and implementation of agriculture and trade policy reforms that create enabling environment to support market-led input distribution and import and export markets. Download details here

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